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Why Choose Listij?

There are hundreds of list making apps available. What makes Listij the best?

to-do list sharing tasks grocery lists

Intuitive Interface

The #1 complement from our customers is “easy to use”.


Our design philosophy was forged through the frustration of using other List-making apps.

You will find yourself making, sharing, and completing lists right away, with buttons and menus that make sense.


Swipe-and-Share lists and folders INSTANTLY.

Whether it’s the family recipe or recommendations of your friends’ latest bing-worthy TV series, Swipe-and-Share enables you to get it done without a hitch.


Easily download, archive, and share recipes from popular online websites.

The recipe editor allows you to tweak the recipe ingredients to your dietary needs and specific tastes.
Listij global search to-do lists task lists checklists


Because it’s so easy to make lists and folders with Listij, you are going to make a lot of them.


Global Search quickly finds, filters, and bins  your search results in the most organized way we’ve tested.
It represents a huge improvement to traditional list app search options. Our power users LOVE it!