How do I unlink a shared recipe so that I don't see the changes the person I shared with makes?

1) Here’s a quick reminder on how to share a recipe:

2) You will be prompted with a message that asks you if you want the shared recipe to be “linked” or “unlinked”. 

What do these options mean?

Unlinked: This is the most commonly used option.  Selecting “Unlinked” prevents you from seeing any changes made by the person(s) you shared the recipe with and vice versa. Each individual owns a unique copy of the recipe. Changes you make will not be viewable by anyone but you.

Linked:  This is a great option for couples who cook together.  Any changes to the recipe ingredients, images, and text instructions will be made to all who share the recipe. Also, when you are preparing the meal, the change from “pending ingredient” to “added ingredient” will be updated real time. 

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